Affiliated Researchers Provides Services For FERC Permits

Affiliated Researchers Provides Services For FERC Permits

Affiliated Researchers conducted periodic water quality monitoring at hydroelectric projects in Michigan. The water quality data monitored the chemical and physical characteristics of the project impoundments, tailwaters, and riverine reaches as required for licensing...
Environmental Restoration for County Drain Commission

Environmental Restoration for County Drain Commission

Affiliated Researchers was contacted by a County Drain Commission to assist in environmental restoration following severe occurrences of bank-slumping and sediment erosion. Affiliated Researchers ’ Scientists conducted environmental investigations, wetland...
Benthic Habitat Mapping for Environmental Restoration

Benthic Habitat Mapping for Environmental Restoration

Affiliated Researchers’ trained team utilized our Klein 3500 Hydrochart sonar, survey vessels, and RTK-GPS survey equipment to collect side-scan sonar data for use in developing benthic habitat mapping at a project location. The benthic habitat mapping was used as...
Benthic Invertebrate Sampling for Proposed Dam Removal Study

Benthic Invertebrate Sampling for Proposed Dam Removal Study

Affiliated Researchers conducted biological habitat and water quality investigations on a section of stream located downstream of a dam proposed for removal. The benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled by Affiliated Researchers’ Scientists for identification and...
Affiliated Researchers Provides RTK-GPS Services to NOAA

Affiliated Researchers Provides RTK-GPS Services to NOAA

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) called on Affiliated Researchers to assist with the integration of a new sonar and navigation systems onboard their research vessel, Laurentian. The call from NOAA came in on a Friday afternoon, and our team...